SendSafely Workspaces are a powerful tool for team collaboration on sensitive files. Browser-based access makes using Workspaces simple, while advanced security such as end-to-end encryption, granular access and audit logging keeps data safe.
Support for folders and subfolders lets you keep files organized. Version control lets you see and access prior copies of each file after they are updated, and you can restrict access so that only the most recent copy of each file is viewable by others.
Share content with others with varying levels of access. Each Workspace is completely isolated, and can be shared with a different list of users. Viewers can only download files, while contributors can create and update files and folders in the Workspace. You can even delegate admin rights within each Workspace so that other users can manage the list of Workspace collaborators.
Every action your collaborators take within the Workspace is logged so you can keep track of who's doing what. You can even subscribe to the activity log so that you are notified in real-time of user actions, and can export activity data so that it can be imported into another system for analysis and reporting.
When you need extra security for top secret Workspaces, apply one or more of our advanced privacy options:
Grant each collaborator access to only the files and folders they need. You can assign multiple folders and permissions (viewer, contributor etc.) to a single user. This granular access model allows a single Workspace to be used by multiple teams and customers.
Find out why companies across the globe use SendSafely to protect the security and privacy of their confidential business data.